Data privacy, security, and accuracy

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which becomes effective in May 2018, requires companies to be accountable for how they use, manage and maintain the personal data of their customers and employees.

Setting the bar for data protection

We provide our clients with enterprise-grade controls to manage, govern access and ensure security of personal data housed in the Splendo Cloud.

Personal data privacy

All personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) in the Splendo Cloud are stored securely in datacenters in countries in the European Union for european customers and in datacenters in the USA for other customers.. We use encryption to protect data in transit and at rest. Data in transit to our applications is protected using HTTPS. Our personnel are required to execute a confidentiality agreement and must acknowledge receipt of, and compliance with, Splendo’s confidentiality and privacy policies. Personnel handling Customer Personal Data are required to complete additional requirements appropriate to their role and will not process Customer Personal Data without authorisation.

Full service data management

Splendo Cloud automates GDPR compliant deletion of customer data for customers requesting “right to be forgotten” requests. You can manage your personal data directly in our Splendo cloud portal. We offer the possibility to directly delete your account and all your personal data. Splendo’s applications also provide data export and modification that comply with GDPR.

Data retention

Splendo purges personal data from internal processing systems to minimize the data we retain per GDPR Article 5. Our system retains customer data until our customers delete it or not use our service after a long period.

Got questions on GDPR?

Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more about how we’re helping keep your data private, accurate and secure. Please contact us by email at